Chapter 7: First Impression

There are many criticism nowadays about video games. More specifically, how violent video games influence people to become violent themselves. There are arguments about how playing first person shooter games can affect the subconscious of children which influences them to be more violent as they get older. I think this is a ridiculous thought. I myself know many people who have been playing violent video games almost their whole lives, most of which are the first person shooter games. Not a single one of them are violent, in fact they are the least violent people I know. But the most concrete evidence I know of show how video games are one of the last things making people violent, are the school shooters.

The U.S. has endured way too many school shootings. The some of the most famous ones are Columbine and Sandy Hook. After the Sandy Hook shooting people across the country swore up and down it was because the shooter played video games which influenced him to do what he did. However, it was later discovered that he never played the violent video games like everyone thought, he just had a mental illness which influenced him to do what he did. In fact it has been determined that most of the mass shooters played little to no video games. If anything, what influenced children to grow to be violent it is the way they are raised or there is a chemical imbalance causing a mental illness. Most of the mass killings wouldn’t have happened if these people had the proper diagnoses and help.

Banning video games won’t help anything. If anything, it would take away most kids outlet. Video games now a days are becoming more life like than ever. With kids turning to video games more it is giving them an outlet to get some of their emotions out. If kids don’t have that outlet anymore they are going to turn to do these things in real life which create a worse situation than there already is.